Throughout this series I was predominantly involved with 2D visual problems even though construction of these objects requires substantial skills on a potter's wheel. The scale of these works is significant beyond the technicalities as it allows for a change in perception, afar and in proximity. From the distance the compositions can appear minimal, being organized around simple geomatic shapes, or quite complex with works whose compositions resemble principles of forming patterns in ornamentation. Surface is achieved mostly though the repetitive use of a singular motif of a house fly, which is formally used instead of a dot. The notion of a fly persistently stands in a contrast to the way they are integrated into a composition. Most surfaces on these works have been constructed manually, applying decals one by one in a slow and monotonous process which can be seen as obsessive compulsive. The surface on some works has been achieved digitally by being rendered on the commuter screen, though the principle of constructing a surface stayed the same. Chance was an important part of the creative process in some works. Glazed platters were purposefully thrown on the ground to get broken and later resembled. Lines formed by breakage, a consequence of a mere chance, established a composition. In these works, I rely on principles of decoration as an inherit property of ceramics, while offering an alternative take on it.
Re-deconstructed platter
Material: porcelain, overglaze decals, gold luster, pc7 epoxy, Bondo, gold leaf powder, glue
Technique: custom ceramic (silk-screen) decal decoration and gold luster on thrown porcelain, fired in high range oxidation, broken and reconstructed
Size: 22” (56 cm) diameter x 2.5” d (6 cm)
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plate 2 -When the flies go marching in
Material: porcelain, overglaze decals, pc7 epoxy, gold leaf powder, glue
Technique: custom ceramic (silk-screen) decal decoration on thrown porcelain, fired in high range oxidation, broken and reconstructed
Size: 22” (56 cm) diameter x 2.5” d (6 cm)
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plate 1 -When the flies go marching in
Material: porcelain, overglaze decals, pc7 epoxy, gold leaf powder, glue
Technique: custom ceramic (silk-screen) decal decoration on thrown porcelain, fired in high range oxidation, broken and reconstructed
Size: 22” (56 cm) diameter x 2.5” d (6 cm)
click on image for gallery
Material: porcelain, overglaze decals
Technique: custom ceramic decal decoration on thrown porcelain, fired in high range reduction
Size: 33" h x 67" w x 4" d (84 x 170 x 10 cm) -
2-platter composition
- permanent collection of New Taipei Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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